Considering switching your auto insurance? Gather these five key pieces of information ahead of time to make the process smooth and to unlock your potential discounts.
With the cost of vehicles on the rise, shopping around for auto insurance is a great way to find savings that can be applied to cover your monthly car payment, covering your gas, or applied to something else entirely like a ski or surf rack. In fact, Polly customers save an average of $900 per year on their auto insurance* – that's money that could go direct toward your vehicle expenses or other priorities.
Driver’s license numbers and date of birth for all drivers in the household.
Social Security numbers (may be needed for accurate credit-based insurance scoring to get the best rate).
Make, model, year, and expected yearly mileage of each vehicle.
Tip: The average policy expects 12,000 miles per year. If your mileage is significantly lower or higher, be sure to note the exact amount for the most accurate quote.
Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN) for all vehicles you want to insure. The VIN can typically be found inside the driver-side door frame (near the latch) or on your vehicle's registration card.
Information on any accidents, violations, or claims within the past 3-5 years.
The cost, coverage limits, and deductibles on your current policy.
Tip: While it’s not necessary that you know the coverage and deductibles of your current policy, it can be a useful reference when comparing policies and to help you see where savings may be possible.
Your current insurance policy number.
The expiration date of your current policy.
An idea of the coverage levels you want (liability, comprehensive, collision, etc.) and any additional coverage options, like roadside assistance or rental car coverage.
Banking details or a credit card for payment setup.
Financial institution or leasing company's information if you have a car loan or lease, as lienholders often need to be listed on the policy.
Once you’ve gathered these five essentials, you’re ready to review quotes and seamlessly switch to your new policy. Give our experts a call at 1-855-330-6155 when you’re ready to join other Polly customers who saved an average of $900 a year.
*National average annual savings by new customers surveyed who saved with Polly in 2023. Actual savings may vary.