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Q3 2024

Quarterly Embedded Auto Insurance Report

Insights on the embedded auto insurance opportunity for automotive dealers

Quarterly Embedded Auto Insurance Report

Insurance Rates Flatten in 2024

Auto insurance rates rose significantly over the last few years (52% in the last 24 months alone.) However, most of that increase happened in 2023, and rates have largely flattened in 2024. This is good news for dealers and consumers and throws cold water on the narrative in the media this year that insurance rates are continuing to rise.

Yes, average quotes are still up from last year (9.2%), but they have remained relatively steady over the last four quarters. It seems carrier rate requests and Department of Insurance decisions have largely taken effect.

These findings provide some hope that insurance rates will remain steady, and not rise, for the next few quarters. Steady rates give consumers a clearer picture of their total budget when headed to the dealership, and dealers will see fewer insurance surprises when closing deals.


Average Monthly Insurance Quote1

Average Quotes Monthly Insurance

Insurance Rates are Plateauing

Average Insurance Quote $199/mo

The average quoted insurance rate for the past quarter is $199/month.1

This is 0.4% down from the prior quarter of $200, indicating that insurance rates may have finally peaked.

The current price of insurance is still historically high, which is driving consumer shopping behavior. The latest JD Power data* shows that 49% of auto insurance customers were shopping around in Q1 of this year.

The higher cost of insurance is having a negative impact on consumer spending in the dealership. Until consumers realize that rates have steadied, we expect more shopping, which is an opportunity for dealers who can present competitive quotes and even savings during the car buying process.

Insurance Opportunity Keeps Improving

The embedded opportunity continues to improve for dealers in 2024. We’ve even begun to see improvement in some unlikely places like California.

While rates are still high in California, more insurance companies have opened back up for business there.

That means many insurance buyers are seeing multiple competitive rates for the first time in a while. All this in one of the more challenging markets in the country.

New York remains a difficult insurance market, which impacts the embedded opportunity. However, much of the rest of the Northeast is trending in a positive direction.


Embedded Auto Insurance Opportunity

Embedded Auto Insurance Market Recovery: Q3 2023 – Q3 2024*

Embedded Auto Insurance Opportunity

Back-end gross Represents 59% of the Total Gross Profit for Dealership Auto Sales in Q33

Total Gross Profit from Auto Sales

F&I Profits


Over the last quarter, the average front-end gross continued to stagnate and even decline slightly to an average of $1,304 per transaction, a 21% YOY decline.

Back-end gross remained steady at $1,854 over the past 12 months. It now contributes an average 59% of the per vehicle gross profits.

The trend line is clear. Back-end is more important than ever, and dealers will become more reliant on it for profitability than they have in years.

F&I Profits


Over the last quarter, the average front-end gross continued to stagnate and even decline slightly to an average of $1,304 per transaction, a 21% YOY decline.

Back-end gross remained steady at $1,854 over the past 12 months. It now contributes an average 59% of the per vehicle gross profits.

The trend line is clear. Back-end is more important than ever, and dealers will become more reliant on it for profitability than they have in years.

Insurance and Back-End Gross Improvement Across Top 10 Dealerships

In our Q2 report, our top 10 dealer groups saw higher F&I gross to the tune of 20%. That number dropped slightly in Q3 to 18%. This slight decline was largely a function of normal retail spending fluctuations.


Back-End Gross Improvements for Dealerships

18% Higher F&I Gross Profit



18% Higher F&I Gross Profit with Insurance Quotes at our Top 10 Most Engaged Dealer Groups

When customers received auto insurance quotes at our top 10 most engaged dealerships, those dealers saw 18% higher back-end gross profit on average than dealers who did not offer insurance quotes at the point of sale.

In Q3, the average back-end gross for sales with quotes was $2,329, or $354 higher than the $1,975 average without quotes.


18% Higher F&I Gross Profit



18% Higher F&I Gross Profit with Insurance Quotes at our Top 10 Most Engaged Dealer Groups

When customers received auto insurance quotes at our top 10 most engaged dealerships, those dealers saw 18% higher back-end gross profit on average than dealers who did not offer insurance quotes at the point of sale.

In Q3, the average back-end gross for sales with quotes was $2,329, or $354 higher than the $1,975 average without quotes.



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Predictions for Q4 2024

The embedded insurance opportunity will continue to improve into 2025.

Insurance shopping activity will continue until consumers realize that the market has stabilized.

Sophisticated insurance companies will continue to open up for new auto insurance business, even in tough states like California.

Calculating the total cost of ownership, and insurance in particular, will become the norm for car shoppers and dealers.


Get Personalized Recommendations Instantly

Access actionable recommendations on how to increase the impact of your dealership’s insurance program. Increase your income and provide an outstanding customer experience.

Predictions for Q4 2024

The embedded insurance opportunity will continue to improve into 2025.

Insurance shopping activity will continue until consumers realize that the market has stabilized.

Sophisticated insurance companies will continue to open up for new auto insurance business, even in tough states like California.

Calculating the total cost of ownership, and insurance in particular, will become the norm for car shoppers and dealers.

The Experts

Weili Yuh

Weili Yuh
SVP of  Underwriting

Sonia Xing

Sonia Xing
VP of Acquisition Analytics

Kalin Kostadinov

Kalin Kostadinov
Director of  Analytics


1 Assessment based on 424,857 insurance quotes over the past 9 quarters from 9 insurance carriers for car buyers in all 50 states.

2 Embedded auto insurance market growth data from Q3 2022 through Q2 2024, defined as new policies per connected customer weighted by automotive retail sales volume and carrier openness to new business.

3 Data notes 2024Q3: Trends in front gross and back gross are based on analyses of 1,071,892 vehicle sale transactions dated between 2021-09-01 and 2024-08-31, identified by a valid unique VIN number. The sales transactions are sourced from 145 dealership groups with more than 500 rooftops, reporting a total of 30,000 sales per month. As the dealership level variation is a main source of heterogeneity in the data, the data have been imputed using ARIMA models to account for some dealerships not reporting in some months. The sales are nationally representative with 90% coming from 23 geographically diverse states with more than 10,000 sales each. The sales are of a wide variety of brands, with the 17 brands representing 80% of the sales, and the top 10 brands accounting for only 2/3rds of the sales.

4 Includes only Dealerships High-Polly-Engagement dealerships (at least 50 quotes and quoting at least 2% of transactions) over the past 12 months